The story of Isaac Woodward Jr., a war veteran blinded from a police beating, became a visible symbol of the fruits of racial injustice and underlined that even WWII veterans were not immune to the violence simmering beneath the surface in postwar American society. Continue Reading “Wash your Hands, Officer X”[1]
Aparna Nair
Aparna Nair is Assistant Professor at the History of Science department at the University of Oklahoma. She works on disability, race, colonialism and medicine in South Asia.
“HIS DOG IS HIS ‘EYE’”: The Guide Dog in Public Spaces and Transit, 1930-1970
Writing the first editorial for AllOfUs has not only been a joy, but it has also been an honor. What has always delighted me about disability history is how much our field owes its very existence to the initiative, labor, and commitment of generations of disabled people and disability rights movements across the world. AllOfUs came into existence because… Continue Reading “HIS DOG IS HIS ‘EYE’”: The Guide Dog in Public Spaces and Transit, 1930-1970